Date Distributed: October 11, 2019
Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District
October 18, 2019
Board of Supervisors Meeting
October 18, 2019
Board of Supervisors
Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District
Dear Supervisors,
The regular meeting of the Port of The Islands Community Improvement District Board of Supervisors will be held on, October 18th, 2019 at 9 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Clubhouse on 25005 Peacock Lane in Naples, FL 34114. The Agenda is included in Section 2 and a few points of interest are as follows:
- As per usual, enclosed are the Regular Meeting Minutes from September 20, the Field Manager’s Report for October, the Utility Report for September and the Financials for September 30, 2019.
- There will be an update on ADA Website, Utility Billing
- There will be a review of the County Tax Deed Application for Orchid Cove, and of Landscape Maintenance.
- Discussion on Marina Owner Lawsuit, Stormwater Retention Basin Upgrade, and monthly Lake Maintenance proposals.
Any supporting documents not enclosed will be distributed at the meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2019, if there are any questions or requests prior to the meeting, feel free to contact me.
Calvin Teague
District Manager
Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
October 18, 2019 at 9:00 AM
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Meeting Minutes
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from September 20, 2019
- County Application for Tax Deed Orchid Cove Phase 3
- Band of Brothers
Utility Operations
Utility Operations
- Utility Operations Monthly Operations Report for September
Utility Operations
Landscape Maintenance
- October Notes
District Manager Report
- Financial Statements for Period Ending September 30, 2019
- Website ADA Compliance Update
Utility Billing Update
- Delinquent accounts
- Shut-off List
- Fema reimbursement
Field Manager Report
Field Report for October
- Other Follow Up Items
Field Report for October
Engineer Report
- SFWMD 5-year Report renewal update
Attorney Report
- Parcel 13 Water Frontage
Old Business
- Drainage System cleaning and maintenance options
- Concrete Repair update
New Business
- Stormwater Retention Basin Upgrade
- Monthly Lake Maintenance Proposals
- Littoral Planting Proposals for the 3 Retention Ponds
- State Mutual Aid Agreement
- Supervisors Request and/or Comments
- Audience Comments
- Adjournment
4. Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2019
4. Meeting Minutes
The meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held Friday September 20, 2019 at 9 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Community Center on 25005 Peacock Lane in Naples, Florida 34114.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Tony Davis – Chair
Norine Dillon – Assistant Secretary
Teri O’Connell – Assistant Secretary
Kathryn Kehlmeir – Assistant Secretary (telephone)
Not present was:
Russell Kish – Vice Chair
Also present were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Dan Cox – District Attorney
Ron Benson – District Engineer
Robert Soto – Soto’s Lawn Service
Mitch Gilbert – Florida Utility Solutions (FUS)
The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (CID) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS | Call to Order and Roll Call |
The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called roll. All Board members were present except for Vice Chair Kish, with Supervisor Kehlmeier participating by telephone. Also Present were District Attorney Dan Cox, District Engineer Ron Benson, Robert Soto of Soto’s Lawn Service and Mitch Gilbert from Florida Utility Solutions.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, Supervisor Kehlmeier is allowed to participate in the meeting by telephone.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS | Approval of the Agenda |
The Agenda was presented and approved.
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS | Audience Comments on Agenda Items |
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Approval of Meeting Minutes |
A. Regular Meeting Minutes from August 16, 2019
The Meeting Minutes were presented and approved.
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor O’Connell, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes for August 16, 2019 were approved as presented.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Communications |
The District Manager stated that the only communication received this month was from Code Enforcement, discussed below under “Sixth Order of Business, Code Enforcement Complaint”.
SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Code Enforcement Complaint |
The District Manager notified the Board that he received a courtesy call from Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement notified him that a citation will be issued if the grass near parcel 13 is not cut within a certain amount of time. The Collier Model Aeronautic Club was able to take care of this before a citation was issued.
A. Utility Operations
i. Utility Operations for September
Mr. Gilbert was present to give his report to the Board on the following topics:
- Mr. Gilbert reported that a contractor doing work within the community broke a water main and Florida Utility Solutions was not contacted about it. Mr. Gilbert stated that his staff repaired this water main and the Board agreed that a bill needs to be sent to the property owner as they are responsible for this damage. It was discussed that the contractor was supposed to notify One Call before starting work and One Call was supposed to notify Florida Utility Solutions to prevent this kind of damage.
- Mr. Gilbert reported that everything has been located for the fiber optic company to begin their work.
- It was discussed that the company Earth View had damaged some newly lain sod on CID property.
ii. Backflow Prevention Update
Mr. Gilbert reported that he hopes to be finished with the backflow preventors by the end of the month.
iii. Lift Station Rehab
Mr. Gilbert reported that he hopes to have the master lift station completed by the end of the month.
B. Review of Landscape Maintenance Performance
i. Review of Inspection Report
Mr. Soto discussed his proposal for adding plants into the median for Cays Drive. Mr. Frank Lee from the HOA expressed the HOA’s interest and support in moving forward with this project. The Board suggested Supervisor Kehlmeier, Mr. Soto and Mr. Lee get together to discuss this project further.
An audience member notified the Board that the Villages at Stella Maris are working towards building several boat docks. He stated that their Engineering company will contact the the Board before beginning the project to assure that no issues arise, such as the earlier mentioned incident with a contractor not contacting One Call and breaking the water main.
ii. Irrigation Concerns
Mr. Soto and Mr. Gilbert discussed that an irrigation valve might be leaking in front of the plant as there is a lot of standing water. It was also discussed that there are no valve shut off’s. It was determined that if the main valve could be located, a shut off valve could be installed.
C. Manager’s Report
i. Financial Statements for Period Ending August 31, 2019
The financial statements were discussed briefly and accepted.
On MOTION by Supervisor O’Connell, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, the financials for period ending August 31, 2019 were accepted.
ii. Utility Billing Updates
The District Manager discussed the aging report. He stated that although this report shows unpaid balances, it does not mean these accounts are delinquent. The Board requested a report showing delinquent accounts in the future.
iii. Website ADA Compliance
The District Manager notified the Board that their website is complete but still undergoing review.
iv. Mosquito Spraying
The District Manager reported that there has not been a need for mosquito spraying as the mosquito counts haven’t supported spraying.
v. Setting Fiscal Year 2020 Meeting Schedule
The District Manager discussed the Fiscal Year 2020 Board meeting schedule and asked if any changes were requested.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, the Fiscal Year 2020 meeting schedule was adopted as presented.
D. Field Manager
i. Field Report for September
The Field Report for September was presented and reviewed by the Board, with comments as follows:
- The Board would like to get estimates for installing plants on the shores of the retention ponds.
- It was discussed that an increased maintenance effort at the retention ponds is needed as currently there are quite a few weeds. EarthGuard handles the maintenance for the retention ponds twice a year. The Board discussed getting an estimate for more frequent maintenance from EarthGuard as well as obtaining estimates from other companies.
ii. Other Follow Up Items
The Board requested that Mr. Gilbert or Mr. Pepin grab the business sign that someone placed between the old and new location for the Collier Model Aeronautic Club on Parcel 13. Mr. Gilbert stated that he would take care of this for the Board.
E. Engineer’s Report
Mr. Benson commented on the storm water retention areas and stated that he believed these were created under County permits not Water Management District permits. He stated he will look at the plans for the water retention ponds and see where a pipe might be clogged and notify Mr. Gilbert to help eliminate the standing water concern.
Mr. Benson discussed the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) water use permit. He stated that a ten year water use compliance report needs to be submitted for the permit. Mr. Benson discussed a proposal he received from the hydrogeologist for $8,450 to prepare the ten year report for SWFWMD.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, the Board approved a not to exceed amount of $10,000 for the 10 year water use compliance report.
F. Attorney’s Report
i. Parcel 13 Water Frontage Update
The District Manager stated that he had sent in a letter to the County previously on this topic and has not received a response.
A. Drainage System Cleaning and Maintenance Plan Update
The Board asked if a permit modification is needed for this project and the Engineer stated that he needs to research this further.
B. Fire Hydrant Painting Update
Mr. Gilbert and his staff are working on completing this project currently and they hope to have this project complete by the next Board meeting.
C. Concrete Repair Update
The District Manager notified the Board that Tincher Concrete Construction is going to begin this project during the second week of October.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS | Supervisor’s Requests and/or Comments |
Supervisor Dillon had several comments as follows:
- She asked if anything had been received from PrepMac or their attorneys regarding the boat slip assessment increase and was informed that nothing had been received.
- She requested that the Collier Model Aeronautic Club clean up the debris they left behind at their old location.
- She also asked about the culvert on 114 Newport Cay as the cleanup has not been completed. It was discussed that two letters have been sent out stating that if this was not fixed, the CID would fix it and bill the homeowner for the work. It was reported that this culvert is 90 percent clogged. Therefore, the District Manager stated that he will contact the Field Manager to confirm that no response has been received from the letters and if not, the Board agreed to proceed with completing this work and billing the homeowner.
General audience comments were made with no issues being identified.
There being no further Orders of Business and,
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:08 a.m.
Next Meeting: October 18, 2019 at 9 a.m.
5. Communication
October 2019
5. Communication
6. Utility Operations
October 2019
6. Utility Operations
7. Landscape Maintenance
7. Landscape Maintenance
No Supporting Documents
8. District Manager Report
8. District Manager Report
9. Field Manager Report
October 2019
9. Field Manager Report
Field Report
Other Follow Up Items
10. Engineer Report
October 2019
10. Engineer Report
- SFWMD 5-year Report renewal update
11. Attorney Report
11. Attorney Report
No Supporting Documents
12. Old Business
12. Old Business
No Supporting Documents
13. New Business
13. New Business
No Supporting Documents
14. Supervisors Request and/or Comments
14. Supervisors Request and/or Comments
No Supporting Documents
15. Audience Comments
15. Audience Comments
No Supporting Documents
16. Adjournment
October 2019
16. Adjournment
Next Meeting 9:00 AM
Friday November 15, 2019,