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Meeting Minutes for December 18, 2020

Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District

The meeting of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held on Friday, December 18, 2020 at 9 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Community Center on 25005 Peacock Lane in Naples, Florida 34114 and also via web conference.

Present (or by web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Russell Kish – Vice Chair
Ray Jensen – Assistant Secretary
Teri O’Connell – Assistant Secretary
Michele Holloway – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or by web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Daniel Cox – Attorney
David Schmitt – Engineer
Robert Soto – Soto’s Lawn Service, Inc.
Mitch Gilbert – Florida Utility Solutions
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – Premier District Management

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (CID) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Port of the Islands Community Improvement District meeting was called to order and District Manager Cal Teague called roll. All were present, except Chair Tony Davis. Also in attendance were the District Engineer David Schmitt of Hole Montes, Robert Soto of Soto’s Lawn Service, Inc., and Mitch Gilbert of Florida Utility Solutions.  Participating via web conference were the District Attorney Daniel Cox, Nancy Dudak and Christopher Dudak from Premier District Management.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Board reviewed the Agenda and added Item 12B, the resignation of Chair Tony Davis.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Kish, seconded by Supervisor Jensen, with all in favor, the Agenda was amended to add Item 12B, the resignation of Chair Tony Davis.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes from November 20, 2020

The regular meeting Minutes from November 20, 2020 were reviewed.

On MOTION by Supervisor O’Connell, seconded by Supervisor Holloway, with all in favor, the regular meeting Minutes from November 20, 2020 were approved as submitted.


A. Report for November

Mitch Gilbert, Florida Utility Solutions, reported that everything is working as expected at the Water Plant, and the new SCADA is working well. The air conditioner work is done. They are accessing the wells without any problems. It was asked why the water usage is significantly lower. Mr. Gilbert said fewer people may be in the community at this time reducing usage.

B. SCADA Replacement Update

Mitch Gilbert stated that the SCADA has been replaced and is working well.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Landscape Maintenance

A. November Notes

Robert Soto, Soto’s Lawn Service, Inc., said that he took Supervisor Holloway on her first tour of the property. He showed her what they do, section by section. On another day, they counted palm trees and with the revised count it would have been $75 more but he is not charging them for the additional work. Mulch will be delivered the first week of January. He said he showed her the retention area on a second ride-around. The palm tree trimming should be completed by January 21st. An electrical panel that needs to be replaced was discussed.

B. Tabled Hardwood Tree Trimming Proposal

This will be done in the Spring.


A. Financial Report for November 2020

The District Manager reviewed the Financial Report for November. Supervisor Jensen requested to see the wish list from three years ago with estimates for the next meeting. He clarified that they need to build up reserves in advance for unexpected issues that may arise.

On MOTION by Supervisor O’Connell, seconded by Secretary Holloway, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the Financial Report for November 2020 as presented.


A. Field Report for December 2020

The District Manager reviewed the Field Manager’s report.

  • The report indicates that the Field Manager will speak with the lakes maintenance contractors about shoreline weeds.
  • Each lake will get 30 Golden Canna planted at the contractor’s expense.
  • The palm trees were counted to verify the number.
  • Caution tape has been placed around the damaged concrete sidewalks until the new house construction is complete.
  • Flumes in the culverts need to be cleaned.
  • Collier County code enforcement was contacted about exotic vegetation that was not removed by homeowners.
  • A torn U.S. flag needs to be replaced at the hotel.
  • There are swales that feed into the canal that are blocked.
  • Supervisor Jensen complimented the Field Manager on the good job he does with his monthly report.

B. Other Follow-Up Items

The Board is awaiting a proposal from Soto’s Lawn Service, Inc., about the exotic vegetation clean-up along the Cays Drive east property line.


A. Sunset Cay Construction Sidewalk Damage Update

David Schmidt reported that two houses are being built on Sunset Cay that appear to be outside of the drainage easement. He presented drawings and discussed what they proposed to the homeowner to address the concerns. He said they may need to modify their side yard to not create a problem for the neighbor. The Board discussed the height of the house and asked if there is an issue with flooding the neighboring lots. The Engineer said he is monitoring this.


A. Prepmac Default Action

The Attorney reported that he is trying to coordinate a meeting with Prepmac for next week to discuss their concerns. The District Manager said that if they come to a settlement, it would be presented to the Board for acceptance. He explained that Prepmac believes the assessments on the slips were too high, impacting the rental of their boat slips. The District Manager explained that the amounts are comprised of the general fund services and the utility assessments, as are all properties within the District.


A. North Hotel/Parcel 13

The District Manager reported that there have been inquiries about Parcel 13. He has told those who inquire about the property that the Board wants to know how the property is going to be used. Supervisor Jensen asked if there has been a professional real estate appraisal. It was stated that they do not have the waterfront rights yet and Collier County owns the canal. The Attorney stated that the South Florida Water Management District has a 10-foot easement on each side of the property. Disposal of the building was discussed, along with the fact that there is asbestos. The County currently owns it and demolition should begin in early January. Supervisor Jensen suggested that the dormitory building walls should be painted to cover the graffiti because he thinks it affects nearby property values.

B. Invasive Vegetation Update

The District Manager previously said that property owners who failed to mitigate their invasive vegetation were turned over to Code Enforcement.

C. Water Meter Changeout Program

The District Manager reported that they are still waiting to get final warranty approval from Ferguson, which is a local company. There was discussion about using Water Werks, which is not local but has good reviews.

On MOTION by Supervisor Jensen, seconded by Supervisor Holloway, with all in favor, the Board approved using Water Werks for the 825 solid state water meters that are guaranteed for 20 years, 10 of which are prorated.

D. Internet/Cable Service to Community

The Board discussed cable and Internet options and whether it should be offered by the CID. The CID would have to guarantee that there would be a minimum of 800 connections. The Board discussed the difficulties of having all the communities share in one decision about their options.

On MOTION by Supervisor Jensen, seconded by Supervisor Holloway, with a 3-1 vote (Supervisor O’Connell was the dissenting vote), the Board voted to discontinue discussions about having a community-wide service to provide cable and Internet services.

E. Electrical Panel & Concrete Pedestal Repair Update

The District Manager mentioned the project was awarded to Excel Electric for $2,400 which was lower than previous estimates. The work has begun.


A. Main Entrance Sign Repairs

The Board discussed the decorative enhancement over the entry sign that has been down since hurricane Irma. Staff has not been able to find any records of who created the original sunburst decoration. There was a question about needing a permit to replace it, which will be researched.

B. Resignation of the Chair

The Board discussed the resignation of Chair Davis. They discussed how to fill the vacant Seat. They agreed that it should be posted and they will accept letters of interest. They also agreed to have the deadline for receipt of letters to be in two weeks and that a decision will be made at the next meeting on January 15th. The announcement will be placed on the Next Door app and on the website.

On MOTION by Supervisor Holloway, seconded by Vice Chair Kish, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept with regrets the resignation of Chair Davis.

THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests and/or Comments

  • Vice Chair Kish requested that the County or FPL place lights on the bridge. He said that he travels home late at night, and in the past, there have been bears and alligators hit, along with people fishing off the bridge late at night, and visibility is poor there. He asked if there could be pictures taken of license plates at the egress at Orchid Cove at night as a crime deterrent.
  • There was also a suggestion for signs to reduce speed, along with “no fishing from the bridge” signs.


  • Ernest Peterson said that the costs for security may need to come from a different budget versus the standard operating budget.
  • Kathryn Kehlmeier asked if more community members are attending meetings online now that the virus has caused people to attend virtually. She also asked if the Attorney had given an opinion on the legality of the towing signs.


There being no further Orders of Business and,

On MOTION by Vice Chair Kish, seconded by Supervisor O’Connell, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:02 a.m.

Next Regular Meeting: Friday, January 15, 2021 at 9 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair