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Field Manager Report

Port of the Islands Community Improvement District

Community Field Services – Field Management Report

Site Inspection on February 27, 2020

1. Lake Management:

a. Lake Maintenance: The retention ponds remain in moderate condition this month. Shoreline grasses are dying off, water levels are average for this time of year, no submerged weeds present and no concerns with algae. Turbidity (cloudiness / murkiness) remains high throughout all the ponds. Additional pond management details are below.

b. Littoral Plants:

  1. No concerns observed this month. EarthGuard will be planting 300 additional littorals in the 3 retention ponds as soon as we near the rainy season. There will be a mixture of pickerel weed, yellow canna, arrowhead and Eleocharis being planted.

c. Shoreline Weeds:

  1. No concerns observed this month. A very small presence of torpedo grass was observed on the second retention pond along Cays Drive.

d. Submerged Weeds: No concerns observed this month.

e. Algae: No concerns observed this month.

f. Fish: No concerns observed this month.

g. Trash: Minimal trash observed along the first retention pond along Cays Drive.

h. Shoreline Landscaping: The cord grass on the north end of retention pond #2 has recently been pruned.

i. Lake Bank Erosion: No concerns observed this month.

2. Roadways:

a. Asphalt: No new concerns were observed this month.

b. Potholes: The potholes on Union Road east of the old hotel remain present.

c. Curbing / Storm Water Gutters: No new concerns observed this month.

d. Street Signage:

  1. All the signs that were damaged on October 19th, 2019 in Orchid Cove have been repaired / replaced by Lykins Signtek. The new stop sign is slightly leaning and needs to be straightened. We’ll add additional concrete around it to weigh it down.
  2. One of the “No Parking” signs on Newport Drive was found on the ground during this inspection. We went ahead and mounted it back onto its post.
  3. At the water plant there is a room full of old roadway signs & posts that the Board may want us to sort through and keep all signs and posts that aren’t damaged and dispose all the rest. The signs and posts take up about 80% of the room.

e. Roadway Landscaping:

  1. No concerns with the new mulch.
  2. The new landscaping within the Cays Drive medians is still looking alive and well.

f. Roadway Lighting: No new concerns were observed this month.

3. Sidewalks: No new concerns observed this month.

4. Storm Drainage System:

a. Catch Basins:

  1. 100% of the structures along Cays Drive and about 60% of the structures along Newport Drive have been pressure cleaned. We’ll be returning next month to finish the remaining structures.
  2. The catch basin across the street from the new home being built at 157 Cays Drive has additional debris in it this month. The basin will be cleaned out by our maintenance technician. All other basins were debris free.

b. Water Control Structures (WCS): All structures are currently clear of debris.

  1. Sunset Cay: No concerns present.
  2. Venus Cay: No concerns present.
  3. Windward Cay: Vegetation needs to be cut back.
  4. Wilderness Cay: Vegetation needs to be cut back.
  5. Water Plant: No concerns present.
  6. Retention Ponds: No concerns present.

c. Flumes: Minimal debris (dead oak leaves) was observed in front of the roadway flumes this month.

d. Culverts:

  1. Florida Utility Solutions still hasn’t flushed out the 2 culverts in front of 194-242 Newport Drive, the 1 in front of 170 Newport Drive & the 1 at the entrance to Sunrise Cay yet.
  2. We found a washout beginning to form on the corner of the large culvert inlet (east side) that runs across Newport Drive next to 119 Newport Drive. The hole is approximately 6 to 8 inches deep and will be filled in by our maintenance technician.

e. Drain Pipes: No concerns observed this month.

f. Drainage Swales / Banks: This month we were asked to look at all the empty lots to identify any invasive species growing on them. Below is the list of exotic plants we observed.

Lot 87
179 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 84
167 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 83
163 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 81
166 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 80
170 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper – Cut and Piled on Drainage Swale
Lot 79
174 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 78
178 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 75
190 Sunset Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 68
165 Venus Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 66
157 Venus Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 65
153 Venus Cay
Brazilian Pepper & Earleaf Acacia
Lot 64
149 Venus Cay
Brazilian Pepper & Earleaf Acacia
Lot 63
148 Venus Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 56
176 Venus Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 49
151 Windward Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 33
149 Wilderness Cay
Brazilian Pepper & Earleaf Acacia
Lot 32
145 Wilderness Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 31
141 Wilderness Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 20
140 Wilderness Cay
Brazilian Pepper
Lot 19
144 Wilderness Cay
Brazilian Pepper

g. Dry Detention Ponds: The detention ponds have dried out and Soto is now mowing these areas. We were also able to locate one of the inter-connect basin inlets on the south end of the water plant. The structure was covered with about an inch thick of old vegetation. We went ahead and cleared it off during this visit.

5. Front Entrance Monuments: The following issues were observed this month.

a. Main Monument:

  1. Structure needs to be pressure washed.
  2. One light fixture for the main monument next to the flagpole on Newport Drive remains out.

b. Side Monuments: Both monuments need to be pressure washed as they have cobwebs and green algae on them.

c. Landscape Lights: All timers were adjusted this month as each location was off by 30 to 45 minutes.

d. Flagpole: No concerns this month.

e. Landscaping:

  1. Several shrubs in front of the Newport Drive side monuments need to be replaced.

f. 41 Median:

  1. Several crape myrtles within the median (west of Newport Drive entrance) have several large dead branches. These trees have been flagged with pink survey tape so that Soto can evaluate them and determine if they should be removed or not.
  2. Multiple fakahatchee grass and/or cordgrass near the entrance to Newport Drive should be replaced.
  3. The plants that were damaged by a vehicle several months ago still need to be replaced by Soto. Their location is within the red box on the aerial below.
  4. There are two irrigation risers also in the area where the vehicle drove through the median that still needs to be straightened / repaired. They have been tagged with pink survey tape and are shown on the aerial below as yellow circles.

g. Cays Drive Entrance: Minimal new weed growth observed.

h. Union Road Entrance: No concerns observed this month.

6. Irrigation System:

a. No new concerns observed this month.

b. Irrigation wires remain exposed in the Newport Drive median next to where Soto transplanted the agave plant. If the wires are active, they should be buried.

7. Mosquito Spraying:

No updates or concerns have been provided to us to report this month.

8. Residential Complaints / Concerns:

a. 1/20/20: Drainage Issue Update at 120 Wilderness Cay. We inspected the gutter again during this inspection and observed standing water in the existing gutter away from the replaced gutter which indicates to us that there’s a low spot within the existing gutter. We’ll be obtaining an estimate from another concrete company to replace approximately 30 feet of old gutter.

9. Airplane Club – CID Land:

No concerns observed this month. The area was clean during this inspection.

10. Non-CID Issues Observed:

No concerns observed this month.

11. Fish/Wildlife Observations:

  • Bass – Not seen
  • Egret – Seen
  • Anhinga – Seen
  • Woodstork – Not seen
  • Turtles – Not seen
  • Bream – Seen
  • Heron – Seen
  • Cormorant – Not seen
  • Catfish – Not seen
  • Coot – Not seen
  • Osprey – Seen
  • Alligator (1) – Seen
  • Gambusia – Seen
  • Gallinules – Not seen
  • Ibis – Seen
  • Snake – Not seen
  • Otter – Not seen
  • Other Species: Ducks, 2 Deer

12. CID Project Updates:

No projects to currently update the Board on.

13. Water Treatment Plant:

a. Fire Hydrants: No concerns observed this month.

b. Meter Boxes / Valves: A meter box at 333 Newport Drive is right on the edge of the road which might be contributing the asphalt cracking around it. This section of the road will eventually need to get repaired but before that occurs, the Board may want to have the meter moved further away from the road.

c. Missing Valve Box Covers at: None

d. Wells: No new concerns observed this month.

e. Boil Water Notices: No notices issued this month.

f. Line Breaks / System Concerns: No new concerns observed this month.

14. Soto’s Approved Proposals:

Below is a list of approved work orders for Soto that we’re monitoring. Completed tasks are removed from the list on the following month.

Estimate Approved Date Description Status Amount
34071/20/2019129 Newport Drive Median – reroute water line for better coverage, lack of water caused by roots pinching the line. In Progress$728.47

15. Maintenance Follow-Up Actions:

Completed tasks are removed from the list on the following month.

Pressure clean the catch basins and culverts along Newport & Cays Drive. Pressure washout front monument & old flag poles.1/30/2019CFSTask 60% Completed
Replace the missing fire hydrant reflector on Newport Drive just north of the Evening Star Cay entrance.12/31/2019CFS Task Completed
Cut back any vegetation that is encroaching onto the Cays Drive sidewalk.12/31/2019 CFS Task Completed
Remove the concrete pieces from the roadway catch basin across from 157 Cays Drive. (New house being built)12/31/2019 CFS Pending
Clean out the culvert in front of the entrance to 142 Newport Drive12/31/2019 CFS Pending
Cut back the vegetation around the WCS structure outlet on Retention Pond #1.1/29/2020 CFS Pending
Remove the leaning oak tree along Union Road adjacent to the water plant.1/29/2020 CFS Pending
Straightened stop sign on Swan Way and add additional concrete around the post. 2/27/2020CFS Pending
Fill in the washout with dirt on the corner of the large culvert next to 119 Newport Drive2/27/2020CFS Pending