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Draft Meeting Minutes June 17, 2022

Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District

The regular meeting of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held on Friday, June 17, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Community Center on 25005 Peacock Lane, Naples, Florida 34114 and also via web conference.

Present (or by web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Teri O’Connell – Chair
Michele Holloway – Vice Chair
Ray Jensen – Assistant Secretary
Russell Kish – Assistant Secretary
Sam Leishear – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or by web conference) were:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
Anthony Pires, Jr. – Attorney, Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A.
David Schmitt – Engineer, Hole Montes, Inc.
Mitch Gilbert – Florida Utility Solutions
Robert Soto – Soto Landscape Maintenance

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (CID) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Port of the Islands Community Improvement District Regular Meeting was called to order by Chair O’Connell and all Board members were present, with Supervisor Leishear attending via web conference. Also at the meeting were Cal Teague, the District Manager, David Schmitt, the Engineer, Tony Pires, the Attorney, Mitch Gilbert of FUS, Robert Soto of Soto Landscape Maintenance, and Several Residents. Several Residents participated via web conference.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Chair O’Connell, with all in favor, the Board approved Supervisor Leishear’s attendance via web conference.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

Combine 9A and 9D, Move to 9C
Add 13A Mosquito Spraying

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Chair O’Connell, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved, as amended.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Agenda Items:

Deborah Jansen commented that she had not seen many mosquitos this year. She also commented on drainage issues, some of which are handled by the CDD and some by the HOA.

Gary McKinney asked to make his comments after 8A was discussed.

Non-Agenda Items:

Lisa Sager commented on drainage issues in some areas of the community, and how this may cause some mosquito problems.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes for May 20, 2022

These will be approved at the next meeting.

Supervisor Jensen requested item 11A be moved to Item 6 regarding the sale of Parcel 13, because Lindsay Case had to catch a plane.


A. Review and Approval of Draft of Covenants and Restrictions for Parcel 13

Attorney Pires reviewed the contract, and Lindsay Case and the Board discussed the deed restrictions currently in the contract. Mr. Case is happy with much of what was included, and he would like to move up the closing date.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Supervisor Jensen, with all in favor, the Board approved Amendment 1 to the contract for the sale of Parcel 13, which changes the closing date to July 15, 2022.

The following discussion and action on the North Hotel property and the covenants of the deed for the sale of Parcel 13 were discussed later in the meeting.

After discussion, the Board decided not to pursue the North Hotel property, currently owned by the County, if there was a price attached.

Supervisor Leishear returned to the meeting during the discussion on the purchase of the North Hotel property.

On MOTION by Supervisor Jensen, seconded by Chair O’Connell, with all in favor, the Board agreed not to commit to the purchase of the North Hotel property.

Attorney Pires presented the covenants in the draft of the deed, and the Board submitted changes. Tony will finalize the document with the requested changes.

On MOTION by Supervisor Jensen, seconded by Vice Chair Holloway, with all in favor, the Board approved the draft deed for the sale of Parcel 13.


A. Landscape Maintenance Report

Robert Soto reviewed the May and June reports, and the following was discussed and actions taken:

Drainage issues in various parts of the community were discussed, and what the responsibilities of the CID and the homeowner are.

Robert submitted two proposals and they were approved.

On MOTION by Supervisor Jensen, seconded by Vice Chair Holloway, with all in favor, the Board approved Proposal #5100 to install Panama Roses to the left and right of the Newport Drive monument sign, and Proposal #5101 to clean out the swale, retrench the valley, and install river rock at 120 Wilderness Cay.


Mitch Gilbert reviewed his report and the following was discussed:

Supervisor Kish stated that the container with insecticide should be in a cooler place, and Mitch will put it in the building that they use, and move it outside the fenced area, when needed.

A. May 2022 Plant Operations Report

Mitch stated that operations at the water plant were running well, and there had been no issues or complaints. He reported that all meters had been installed, except for one meter.

There was discussion on the washouts on the well road, and Mitch will see about putting more gravel there.

Supervisor Jensen reported that no trespassing signs and padlocks and other security measures had been installed to secure the equipment at the wells.

B. Security Lighting and Cameras Follow/Up

Mitch stated that the project is complete, and everything is working.

He also mentioned that the mosquito spraying equipment had been moved outside the fenced utility plant, and is now in a shipping container, which had been converted to store the mosquito spraying equipment.


Engineer Schmitt presented his report, and the following items were discussed and action taken:

From a handout that Dave presented, it projected costs for potential stormwater asset reserves sufficient to maintain the stormwater system. It also took into consideration the private system being contemplated for acceptance by the CID. The Board tabled this for a later discussion.

A. 162/163 Sunset Cay

After discussion, the Board decided to make the necessary repairs at these two addresses and obtain bids for stormwater improvements to the rest of the Cays. Resident Gary McKinney presented his calculations for the project. The reparation costs will be shared between the homeowners and the CID.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Chair O’Connell, with all in favor, the Board approved the recommended solution suggested by the County Engineer to place catch basins at both ends and upsize the pipe between 162 and 163 Sunset Cay, with the reparation costs shared between the homeowners and the CID, contingent upon the approval of the DOT and the County, and to obtain bids for stormwater improvements for the remainder of the Cays.

B. Cays II Drainage Update

Dave presented a report, including the history of the stormwater system along Cays Drive, Sunset Cay, Venus Cay, Windward Cay, and Wilderness Cay, that identifies the system’s reliance on rear yard swales, which would provide stormwater attenuation and water quality prior to discharge. He explained that the finger streets are each separate systems which discharge to the Faka Union Canal. Cays Drive and Commercial Tracts A and B are designed to go to the existing lake system on the east side of Cays Drive for discharge to the wetlands and preserve areas to the east. The Stella Maris systems are private and have their own stormwater systems, which was illustrated on the enclosed map.

Dave identified several plans for action, including:

Cleaning areas in front of the control structures.
Cleaning existing swales leading to the roadways.
Meeting with SFWMD to discuss permit status, operation, and maintenance of the existing system, and potential improvements.
Maintenance clearing and regrading of rear yard swales.
Use of supplemental drainage pipes at roadway swales.
Potential addition of hard structures (paved overflows) at control structures and other locations to allow controlled discharge of stormwater to minimize potential canal berm blowout.

C. Eveningstar Drainage Repairs

Mitch Gilbert had filled in the area and installed sod, and Dave will continue to monitor it.

D. Stella Maris North Pavement Bids

Dave had received two bids, and, after discussion, the Board accepted the bid from Southern Striping Solutions.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Supervisor Jensen, with all in favor, the Board approved the proposal from Southern Striping Solutions, LLC for the pavement of Stella Maris North, not to exceed $146,823.

E. Corrective Easements Sunset Cay (Parcels 75/76 & 89/90)

Dave presented a recommendation to install replacement easements on Sunset Cay, where there are questions about the location of easements.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Chair O’Connell, with all in favor, the Board approved the installation of replacement easements on Sunset Cay, Parcels 75/76 and 89/90, not to exceed $6,000.

F. Undeveloped Parcel Listing

Dave gave the Board a list of the larger undeveloped parcels.

G. Fire Department Request

Dave provided GIS information to the Fire Department on the minimum fire hydrant storage needed.

H. House Bill 53 Stormwater/Wastewater Needs Analysis

Dave is preparing the needs analysis and it should be completed shortly.

Supervisor Leishear left the meeting at the end of the Engineer Report.

TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager Report

A. Monthly Financial Report for May 30, 2022

District Manager Teague reviewed the Financial Report. The Board discussed potentially taking out a loan, and the finances associated with the sale of Parcel 13.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Supervisor Jensen, with 4 in favor, and Supervisor Leishear absent, the Board accepted for Audit the May 30, 2022 Financial Report, as submitted.

B. Budget Review

District Manager Teague reviewed the Budget, and he stated that no loan had been added to the Budget. He suggested adding a capital account, and splitting it between the general fund and the water/sewer fund. The Board agreed to add the capital account and split it between the two funds. They also agreed to insert an emergency reserve in both.

C. Loan Finalization

The Board discussed how the loan could be a line of credit. This was tabled until the next meeting.


A. Field Report

District Manager Teague reviewed Field Manager Pepin’s report, and the follow-up items were discussed:

B. Follow-ups

i. Pond Treatment Increase

A request had been sent to the lake management company, and Field Management Services is waiting for them to send over a revised agreement, which states that the lakes will be treated on a weekly basis. They are currently being treated every other week.

ii. Aeration of Drainage Ponds

All proposals had been signed and returned to the contractors. They are waiting for Excel Electric to complete the electrical services, before the aerator systems are installed.

iii. LCEC Orchid Cove Light Poles Cleaning Update

This project had been completed, but Vice Chair Holloway identified one light pole had been missed.

iv. Swan Way and Union Road Stop Sign Update

On MOTION by Supervisor Leishear, seconded by Supervisor Jensen, with all in favor, the Board approved the installation of two stop signs at Swan Way and Union Road, not to exceed $2,750.


A. Stella Maris South Light

Field Manager Pepin reported that LCEC doesn’t make a shield for the new LED light fixtures. LCEC was asked to check the light fixture to make sure that it isn’t leaning upward and that it is broadcasting the light outward.


A. Mosquito Spraying

After discussion, it was decided than Kish Pest Control will continue spraying two times per week, and the Board will request bids for spraying, with the company specifying if the spraying will be done monthly or if it will done per spray.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Chair O’Connell, with all in favor, the Board approved the continuation of mosquito spraying two times per week by Kish Pest Control, and to request bids for mosquito spraying, with the company specifying if it will be done monthly or by spray.

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests and/or Comments

Supervisor Jensen commented that the County will not be performing services for Port of the Islands, and that the County would not be taking over the CID.

Supervisor Kish wondered if the ERU’s can be changed for the Gun Club, because there may have been an increase in activity.

Supervisor Leishear commented that there are issues with the audio when there is extra noise, and it is hard to hear speakers.


Kathy Oswalt commented about the statements on Next Door about the County providing services, and she stated that the CID Board of Supervisors is doing a good job.

Deborah Jansen had a question about the height requirements in the deed restrictions for the Parcel 13 sale.

Joe Levy wondered about the drainage plan for all the Cays, and he commented that he is opposed to the CID and the homeowner splitting the cost for the repairs.

Kathryn Kehlmeier commented that she is very happy with the work of the Board of Supervisors.

Karen Reed wondered if there are legal and administrative costs in the Budget for the work in the Cays, and she also wondered when the Newport Drive project will start. In addition, she commented about some drainage concerns and the related costs.


On MOTION by Vice Chair Holloway, seconded by Supervisor Jensen, with all in favor, the Board agreed to adjourn at 2:37 p.m.

The Next Regular Meeting will be on July 15, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair