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District Manager Report

Financial Report September 2019 - Cover Page
Balance Sheet by Fund Financial Report 9-2019 page 2
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 9-2019
Statement of Revenues Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance 9-2019
Trend Report 9-2019
Trend Report 09-2019
Water And Sewer Fund 9-2019
Water And Sewer Fund
Trend Report - Water and Sewer Fund 9-2019
Trend Report - Water and Sewer Fund
Gross Assessments Levied 9-2019
Cash and Investment Report 9-2019
Reconciliation - Valley 9580 OPS 9-2019
Check Register from Valley 9580 OPS 9-2019
Reconcilliation Valley 8933 W/S
Check Register Valley 8933 WS 9-2019
Reconcilliation - Valley 1572 MM 9-2019
Utility Charges Aging Report 9-2019