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Continuation Meeting Minutes for January 27, 2023

Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District

A Continuation of the Meeting of January 20, 2023, of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held on Friday, January 27, 2023 at 8:35 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Community Center on 25005 Peacock Lane, Naples, Florida 34114 and also via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:
Steve McNamee – Chair
Dan Truckey – Vice Chair
Russell Kish – Assistant Secretary
Kevin Baird – Assistant Secretary

Also present ( or via web conference) were:

Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM
Anthony Pires, Jr. – Attorney, Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A.
Neil Dorrill – Owner, Dorrill Management Group (DMG)
Kevin Carter – DMG
Justin Faircloth – Inframark

The following is a summary of the discussion and actions taken at the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (CID) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Port of the Islands Community Improvement District Continuation Meeting was called to order and four Board members were present, with Supervisor Kish arriving at 8:40 a.m. Also at the meeting were Christopher Dudak, Client Services Manager from PDM, Tony Pires, the Attorney, Neil Dorrill, and Kevin Carter of DMG, and Several Residents. Cal Teague, the District Manager, Justin Faircloth of Inframark, and Several Residents participated via web conference.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was previously approved at the meeting on January 20, 2023.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

Peggy Koslowski asked if Chair McNamee had met with Attorney Pires regarding the Prepmac/Alligator Boys lawsuit, and Chair McNamee replied that they had not. Attorney Pires mentioned that his paralegal Lenore is arranging a meeting between himself, Chair McNamee, and Prepmac. Attorney Pires also stated that he is preparing a response to the letter received by Vice Chair Truckey and the Board on January 25, 2023 concerning the FIA/EGIS insurance claim rejection related to the lawsuit.

Supervisor Kish asked to see the initial letter of notice sent to Prepmac, and Attorney Pires stated that there are a number of documents regarding the initial notification, and he will provide them to Supervisor Kish.

Kathy Osswald mentioned that Mitch had repaired the meter cover.

Lisa Seeger commented that the Board should control the noise from the Audience during the meetings.

Frank Lee expressed his support for seeking a new engineering company, even though Hole Montes has been serving the community for over 20 years, as he believes it is time for a change.

Attorney Pires suggested that the Board wait until the new management company has started before beginning the consideration of the RFQ for engineering services.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2022

These had been approved at the Regular meeting.

B. Draft Special Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2023

These had been approved at the Regular meeting.


The utility operations had been discussed at the Regular meeting.

A. Monthly Operations Report

B. Wellfield Road and Generator Costs Update

C. February Plant Tours


A. January Report

This had been discussed at the Regular meeting.


This had been discussed at the Regular meeting.


A. Current Field Report

This had been discussed at the Regular meeting.

B. Follow-up Items

i. Aerator Installation Update

ii. Asphalt Repairs on Newport Dr and Union Road Update

TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager Report

A. Monthly Financial Report: December 2022

Chair McNamee had questions on several invoices, and they were reviewed. The Board decided that only invoices that the Chair had questions or concerns on would be reviewed at the meetings.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Truckey, seconded by Supervisor Baird, with all in favor, the Board approved the payment of the monthly invoices that the Chair had questions or concerns on.

Chair McNamee asked if the buyers of Parcel 13 can be asked to reimburse the District for legal and engineering fees related to the purchase of the property. Attorney Pires stated that he will research and report his findings at the next meeting.

The Board requested District Manager Teague and Engineer Schmitt to restate the status concerning the easement issue adjacent to 183 Sunset Cay. Attorney Pires noted that the owner of the adjacent lot, and his mortgage holder, would need to consent to the easement correction.

B. Hurricane Ian Damages Update

i. FEMA Claims Submittal Status

Chair McNamee suggested that Vice Chair Truckey attend a FEMA status meeting along with PDM staff. Vice Chair Truckey requested a call-in number so that he could attend the FEMA status meeting, which was held the same day as today’s Board meeting.

C. District Manager Statement

This was presented at the Regular meeting.


A. Discussion of Form of Resolution Establishing Various Committees

This was presented at the Regular meeting.


A. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Amendment: Resolution 2023-03

This was discussed at the Regular meeting.


A. Management Services Transition Update

District Manager Teague stated that PDM staff are inventorying and boxing POI records to provide to the new management company. It was also noted that PDM will work on all FEMA reimbursement materials until February 18, 2023, and they will then be forwarded to the new management company, along with all District records.

The District website was discussed, and it was stated that the District’s website, including its contents and domain, belong to the District and will be provided, as is, to the next management company.

i. Short Term Agreement with Premier District Management

Attorney Pires distributed a redlined and clean version of the proposed short term agreement with PDM. District Manager Teague stated that he had sent an email to the Board, in response to an email from Chair McNamee, stating that he has elected not to execute the agreement to extend the current management services contract through the end of the month.

ii. Presentation(s) and Consideration of District Management Services Proposal(s) from Interested Firm(s)

Dorrill Management Group (DMG), represented by Owner Neil Dorrill and Kevin Carter, gave a presentation on the history and services of their management company. The Board and Audience members asked questions after the presentation.

There was discussion on various projects that need to be addressed, including possible transfer of the water treatment plant to the County, repair and mitigation needs of the wellfield road and wells, and seeking funding grants from FEMA and other state and county sources.

iii. Consideration of District Management Services Agreement

After discussion, the Board awarded management of the District to Dorrill Management Group (DMG), pending the negotiation of a specific contract for services. The particulars of the immediate transition from PDM to DMG was discussed, including DMG’s preparation of the proper resolutions for transfer of management authority.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Truckey, seconded by Supervisor Kish, with all in favor, the Board awarded the management of the District to Dorrill Management Group (DMG), and authorized the negotiation of terms of the contract and submission of the proper resolutions by DMG for the February 17, 2023 meeting.

The following were discussed at the Regular meeting.

B. Lawsuits Update

C. Parking Signs/Towing Discussion

D. Eric Ortman – Rezoning Parcel 13

E. Swale Issues

F. GIS Agreement Status

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests and/or Comments

There were no further Supervisor requests or comments.


Justin Faircloth from Inframark thanked the Board for their consideration.


On MOTION by Supervisor Baird, seconded by Vice Chair Truckey, with all in favor, the Board agreed to adjourn at 10:12 a.m.

The Next Regular Meeting will be on February 17, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair