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Amended Continuation Meeting Minutes for March 17, 2023

Port of the Islands
Community Improvement District

 The regular meeting of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District Board of  Supervisors was held on Friday, March 17, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. at the Orchid Cove  Clubhouse, 25005 Peacock Lane, Naples, Florida. 

Steve McNamee – Chairman
Dan Truckey – Vice Chairman
Russell Kish – Supervisor
Anna-Lise Hansen – Supervisor

Also present ( or via web conference) were:
Neil Dorrill, Manager, Dorrill Management Group 
Kevin Carter, Manager, Dorrill Management Group 
Tony Pires, District Counsel 
David Schmidt, District Engineer 
Mitch Gilbert, Florida Utility Solutions 

The pledge of allegiance was recited in unison. 

All the board members were present. The meeting was convened at 9:30 a.m. The  notice and affidavit are on file with the district office at 5672 Strand Court, Naples, FL  34110. 

Discussion of 148 Venus Kay Fence added as item 9a. 

Fiber Optics consulting added as item 3a. 

Katherine Tellmire requested to meet with Steve at the last meeting regarding signs. They did not yet meet. Signs have been removed, should parking issues arise can revisit putting the signs back. 

Gentleman from Hayes Drive commented that the agenda seems short on specifics. Unsure what discussing when not detailed on agenda. 

Debra Jans previously received a packet detailing the discussions, requested one for today’s meeting but only received the agenda. In the past Cal provided agenda packets on the website. Mr. Dorrill stated to keep a rhythm going and remain productive have never done this. There are cases where documents are received late and does not want people to think the board is withholding information.

Request to post minutes recording on website vs. relinquishing upon request.

A. Fiber Optics Consulting

Joe works for a company that specializes in consulting for fiber optics for associations to improve their internet service. They negotiate proposals with all the different service providers. The work they do is comparative to a health insurance broker. Dwyn Dion stated several communities in the district recently renegotiated their contracts, will the company coming in negotiate those contracts out or buy them out? Joe said it’s taken on a case-by-case basis, sometimes the providers will buy out a subdivision or there may not be an early termination. It just depends on the specifics. Ms. Dion asked how it will affect future units going in. Can preparation be made in advance for them? Joe said that is part of it and a reason they want to get going on it now to plan for it to be put in place prior to the addition of other units. Mr. Dorrill informed the district that it needs to evaluate their ability to take over the utility easements.

On a MOTION by Ms. Hansen and a second by Mr. Baird the board authorized the commencing of the fiber optics consulting process.

Katherine Oswald of Sunset Kay Lakes asked what the advantage is in taking over internet and fiber optics? Looking into this as information gathering only, no decisions have been made yet.


The minutes were prepared by Mr. Teague and only recently received. The board will defer approval of the February 17, 2023, minutes and approve them at the April 3 meeting.


A. Banking Update

Mr. Dorrill took possession of assets and records three weeks ago following the February meeting that authorized our contract. Now in possession of all the banking records. The bank resolution has been revised and signatures have been added and deleted in accordance with last meeting’s instructions. Mr. Dorrill asked Valley Bank to verify they are a Florida Qualified Public Depositor.

B. Website Transition 

Will explore going forward uploading today’s digital recording in entirety on website. Have maintained preexisting host vendor that has hosted website for some time.

C. Utility Billing

Mr. Dorrill indicated that he and Mr. Carter have ongoing negotiations with two third party billing entities. One is a company based in North Carolina called Muni Billing. It is the largest utility billing company in the country. Their call center is based in North Carolina and their fees are in alignment with fees the district has paid. The second entity in discussions with is Collier County Regional Utilities. Their call center is excellent and local for convenience purposes.

D. Meeting with SWFMD

Mr. Dorrill turned the floor over to Mr. Carter to discuss issue involving mitigation post hurricane with the Big Cypress Basin. Mr. Carter and Mr. Truckey had a meeting with Lisa Kohler of Southwest Florida Management District to discuss Well Grade Road and the impact received from both the hurricane and from the Everglades restoration process. District could be eligible for grants to help replace the road. Will have a follow up meeting with Ms. Kohler and she wants us to meet with Commissioner LoCastro and other officials to see how this can be pushed forward.

E. Upcoming Meeting with County

Mr. Dorrill is aware of two other issues affecting this community. One is the potential closing of the City of Everglades fire department and station. The second is a potential request from the county to take some emergency sewage overflows from Everglades City. There is concern with the sewage treatment plant at Everglades City that it has a very long and very poor history of chronic failures and underperformance. Mr. Dorrill will be meeting with the county manager’s office and in no way indicated would even consider taking some of the sewage overflows unless were compensated for that and it was needed due to a public safety concern.

F. Assessment Roll Administration

As part of Mr. Dorrill’s scope of services and contract it is his duty to identify and outsource at cost the annual maintenance associated with assessment roll. This has to be maintained monthly so as the property changes hands it must be in a format that can be uploaded to the property appraiser so they can merge it with the tax collector onto the tax bill. Historically have used AJC & Associates as a sub-consultant in Naples for 20 years. Mr. Dorrill indicated that he has acquired the digital file from Mr. Teague and will put into place daily or monthly maintenance as required so information is up to date with respect to current ownership.


Mr. Gilbert informed the board that there are no issues with the wastewater plant. All requirements have been met with the plant reuse station. The plant that pumps everything is good. The plant over on the canal is not communicating which the board is already aware of. There is failure on the generator starter, assume that is something district will want to have replaced. Estimated to cost between $500 and $1,000. No motion necessary, have contract authority to coordinate routine maintenance items. Flows on the wastewater plant are 2.4 million gallons. Water is a little less at 2.2 million gallons. That is the opposite of what usually occurs so have a company coming out to recalibrate the meters. 7.5 million gallons was sent out in irrigation. No break downs on the plant, everything working fine. Replaced three culverts on Well Road that were washed out during the hurricane. After the last meeting Mr. Schmidt’s office coordinated with us to come out and do an inspection of the plant for permit renewal. Working with them and Omar Rodriquez on that.

On a MOTION and a second the utility report was accepted.


No attorney’s report received at this time.


Mr. Schmidt informed the board of an important issue pertaining to the multi-use water storage tank. Proposal received for design, bidding, and construction assistance of a new water tank at the treatment plant. In addition the tank will be used for potable water while repair to existing water tank is underway. Some roof repairs also needed as well as general maintenance to the existing water tank. Upon repairs completion will convert over to irrigation system which should be very helpful to the overall system. Some additional maintenance is needed on the fire irrigation tank, that will allow the tanks to be switched out a bit to have the repairs done timely. The proposal includes additional site work to verify some connection points for piping. A survey will be done next followed by engineering and design presentation to the board liaison. Some tweaking will be done at that time and those plans will be submitted for permitting. Mr. Dorrill requested some time to look over the proposal and see if a budget amendment is needed before moving forward. Mr. Schmidt to conduct first task of the proposal not to exceed $4,000. 

On a MOTION by Ms. Hansen and a second by Mr. Truckey Mr. Schmidt is authorized to proceed with the first task of the proposal as outlined above and Mr. Dorrill to review the proposal and report further at the April meeting. 


A. Fence 

Bruce got ahold of chairman and requested a variance be authorized by the board to allow a safety fence around his property instead of a safety fence around his pool. He sent in some drawings and would like the board to look at it. Mr. Pires stated that the board has the ability to approve as long as it will not interfere with the district’s ability to operate or maintain any of it’s infrastructure or facilities in areas of easement or any other district assets. Mr. Dorrill suggested an agreement be put in place between the petitioner and the district to reimburse the district any nominal legal fees incurred to produce the agreement. 

On a MOTION by Ms. Hansen and a second by Mr. Baird the drafting of a standard agreement has been authorized with the understanding that the petitioner

reimburse legal fees associated and bring to future meeting for approval subject to conditions. 


A. US-41 Culverts

Miller Station pumped the entire area dry. The water is being run under US-41.

B. Gun Club Maintenance Fees

121 cars were parked at the Gun Club on Friday. Need to reassess their maintenance fees. Mr. Dorrill will put on the agenda index for either April or May, whenever can work it in. Suggest they obtain an estimate for revisiting assessment methodology for the Gun Club and what he needs data wise in order to prepare that.

C. Marina

Marina may also need an assessment. There have been changes in marina dockage and boat sizes. 


A lot of noise complaints forthcoming regarding short-term renters. CDDs do not have the ability to impose development orders. The county has detailed noise ordinance. The only recourse is to file complaints with county code enforcement. 


A. Newport Drive Auto Flusher for Chlorine Residual 

Mr. Gilbert pointed out some chlorine issues in the water at Newport Drive. There are two auto flushers, it is legal but high chlorine. There was a memo prepared a while back concerning the issue, can reissue the technical memo to determine best coarse of action. If the flusher was mislocated during the original development phase needs to be back in an easement. 

B. Impact Item List 

Mr. Gilbert stated that a list of impact items that are of interest to the restoration project need to be put together before the next Stormwater Management meeting. The list should include anything that would be affected by increases to the groundwater or water table. All suggestions should be sent to Mr. Dorrill’s primary email address. 

C. Lindsay Case 

Mr. Drecki informed the board that Lindsay Case flew into town yesterday because he was informed that there was three feet of flood water on his new property and that the community center had flooded during the hurricane. He is concerned and will be doing some info gathering to see if there are changes to his property. The board can look at permits that influence the community. 


Katherine Oswald understands the utility bills went out a little late this month due to the changeover. Used to get it at least two weeks before the due date, got this month’s bill 5 days before the due date. Late fines will be postponed until a new third party utility vendor is in place. 

Ray commented that the sewage hauling was flatly turned down five years ago by the residents. He discovered the flooding problem three weeks after the hurricane. He just came back from Well Rd. and there is easily three feet of water on parcel. A letter from the Army Corp. of Engineers says it needs to be completely redone. 

Question concerning how other residents can get their questions and concerns about the proposed hydrologic changes prior to the Stormwater Management meeting? Direct all areas of concern to Mr. Dorrill. 

Sam LaShere asked Mr. Pires to get together with Mr. Debose. Mr. Pires spoke with him yesterday and is going to talk to the chairman. 

Was the pond aeration agreement terminated? Not sure, trying to get this info from Cal. Might want to investigate revisiting the agreement because the ponds are turning a horrible green color. 

$360,000 was budgeted last year for stormwater maintenance, has not seen a vote yet to get Mr. Schmidt to begin that maintenance. The district is trying to figure out what it’s responsible for. Do not want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on something they are not responsible for. 

An agreement with 162/163 Sunset was mentioned at the last meeting for their violation of the easement. What is the status of enforcement of that violation? The enforcement people were here, put on hold for two months so could determine how to handle. Meeting with them again next week. Will add it as an agenda item for the next meeting. 

From what I can ascertain, any information we need w e’re going to have to get off the CID website. We’ll have to check the website daily to see if there are any updates because no one is going to let us know otherwise. Board members stated that he originally wanted to obtain everyone’s email and send it that was but that supposedly can’t be done. Open to suggestions but only option he can see. 

Support idea to have email list for CID to distribute information to community, don’t understand shy it’s not possible. The board could distribute the information to the presidents of the HOAs and they can then distribute it to their collective areas.


The next meeting will be April 21, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. On a MOTION by Mr. Kish and a second by Ms. Hansen, the meeting was adjourned at 12:37 p.m.